Case Study

Finding biological father through DNA results

Another client was told, aged 42, that his biological father was not the father he had grown up with. With just a nickname to go on, DNA tests were taken which did not immediately reveal the answer.

After contacting our team we were able to build a family tree for our client, finally discovering a common surname match. This family was contacted and the story of sperm donation was revealed.

We worked closely with the family on both sides through this emotional journey, resulting in a meeting of half siblings this only child did not know he had.

Discovering that the father I had grown up with was not my biological father was extremely distressing, but I felt I needed to know the whole story. FindmyDNA family were professional right from the outset. The team at FindmyDNAfamily were able to analyse my DNA results and match up family trees to discover where my birth father was based. With further detective work we sadly discovered that my biological father had passed in 2009, but we were able to make contact with his descendants, my new half siblings. I cant thank the team at FindmyDNA family enough for all the support they have given me over my journey to finding the truth of my birth story, I couldn’t have done it without their help

Graham, Kent, UK

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